Who we are

In the Middle Ages, between the 12th and 14th centuries, 80 great Gothic cathedrals were erected in the kingdom of France alone.

To build these gigantic edifices, enormous financial resources and manpower were required.
Good-quality stone and wood, but above all tradesmen capable of erecting such monuments.

On the same recommendations, we, the managers of TRAVAUXSERVICES accompanied on a daily basis by our architects, consciously perpetuate, as if it were the special world of these cathedral building sites, as when the great project manager chose his project manager and recruited the journeymen essential to the realization of his project.

We’ll take you through the day-to-day life of your building site, and explain the precise progress and role of each of the companies involved.
Step by step, we’ll follow the long and exciting story of the construction or renovation of your “cathedral”.

To ensure that your project goes down in history, we’ll do everything we can to work alongside you, because it’s people who write history.

It’s the perfect way to add a lifetime of effort to your heritage, and leave a lasting impression on those you love…


Company name: travauxservices.com

Tel: 01 71684652 (price of a local call)

Mail: service@geniecivil-groupvidal.com

Siret : 482 159 353 00021